With escalating pressure on healthcare diagnostic system, the service providers are feeling the squeeze than ever before to improve techniques, deliver cost-effective and time-efficient solutions to bring services to near patient. The advantages of Point-of-care testing (POCT) already been reported in the research articles, anyway, POCT is as yet not broadly implemented in commercial utilization. In numerous occasions, clinics utilize local labs to deal with tests, which can affect efficiency in terms of time, cost and inconvenience.

Competence in any environment is indispensable—incompetence costs financial resources, consumes time, compromised quality, and can be extremely disappointing for employees and clients at the same. In healthcare diagnostics, incompetence can contrarily influence patients' lives by delaying diagnosis and health care planning.

Point of care testing (POCT) can provide quick turnaround time than testing acted in the local lab, leads to better efficiency and better results. There is a common myth among the community, a huge section of community don’t feel comfortable visiting a lab for testing that results in the delayed diagnosis and compromise on health because of their concerns.

As an innovate healthcare technology, Hayatt Med-Tech 4.0 aims to revolutionize healthcare diagnostic system intends to reform diagnostic testing that can reach beyond laboratories as they remain open only 33 percent of the time during a day. By giving improved clinical data through significant, affordable, rapid testing, less-expensive and well-connected solution, our goal is to bring cohesive and customized care near to the patient.